Accessibility Audits

What Is An Accessibility Audits

A Performance Solution is a compliance solution for Performance Requirements within the BCA and the Access to Premises Standards. It was previously known as an Alternative Solution, and is one way of achieving compliance with the NCC.

Buildings must meet the performance requirements outlined within the BCA and Access to Premises Standards with regards to disability. Performance Solutions allow for flexibility in addressing these Performance Requirements and are utilised when the Deem-to-Satisfy provisions are not met. It is an alternative method of achieving compliance, when technical compliance does not occur.

A performance based design brief (PBDB), is firstly prepared to define the scope of work for the Performance Solution. Its purpose is to outline the basis and analysis of the proposed building and its Performance Solution, as agreed by the relevant stakeholders.This allows all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the development of a Performance Solution, and to share their specific knowledge and perspectives with the design team.

In the simplest terms, Performance Solutions are an alternative to to the Deemed to Satisfy requirements/measurements outlined in the building code with regards to disability.

Performance Solutions come in the form of a report, called a Performance Solution Report, which is to be approved by a building surveyor, thereby meeting the Performance Requirements. They can also be used in combination with Deem-to-Satisfy Solutions to meet Performance Requirements.

Why Would I Need A Accessibility Audit?

The need for a performance solution report can be brought about in a variety of ways. The most likely is that a building surveyor has highlighted a non-compliance with regards to the BCA and/or Access to Premises Standards. There are a variety of Australian Standards concerning accessibility, mentioned in the BCA. One such example is AS 1428.1.

When this non-compliance is highlighted, the client has the option of either adjusting the plans/development to ensure it complies or otherwise procuring a Performance Solution Report for the issue. Ensuring compliance is not always possible, or may present undue financial hardship, in which case a Performance Solution Report is necessary.

This non-compliance would be brought to us at Access Studio, or another Accessibility Consultant. Upon review, we would offer a quote to provide a Performance Solution Report for this issue, if possible. This quote would be based upon a number of factors including, but not limited to; the difficulty of justification, potential liability, and time involved.

Once this quote is accepted, a report is prepared and sent to the relevant building surveyor. This solution may include its own requirements, separate from the BCA (for example, provision of adequate lighting). The surveyor will either accept the report, thereby achieving compliance with the Performance Requirements, or request adjustment/changes.

If accepted, the issue is resolved, and the non-compliance with the Deem-to-Satisfy Provisions is ‘okayed’. If adjustment is requested, the report will be adjusted to the surveyor’s specifications, before being sent out again. The BCA (2019) states that a Performance Solution is achieved by demonstrating compliance with all relevant Performance Requirements; or by demonstrating the solution is at least equivalent to the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

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